Keyword Analysis

People used to look up AAA-Ability Glass in the yellow pages. Thank Google those days are over. Their mathematical algorithm travels via ones and zeros at the speed of light through billions of pages on the worldwide web, and you instantly find everything from a size 7 adidas shoe to a spine surgeon.

People are typing in keyword phrases looking for what you offer. Is your site optimized to capture that audience? A well done, tailored keyword analysis is the foundation of connecting you to customers who are trying to find you, like the i-beams of a well built bridge.

I will conduct an exhaustive keyword analysis specific to your business and industry, that shows you average monthly search volume for any given set of terms. I then deliver recommendations for terms that need optimizing so that potential customers can find you when searching.

Don’t settle for what amounts to a “Closed” sign on your door in the internet age. Get a keyword analysis and let people who are trying to find you know that you are open for business.

keyword analysis

How does a keyword analysis work?

Let’s say you own a business that offers guided meditations (hey, I’m from Boulder), available as downloadable audio files. In the graph above, you can see that “guided meditations audio” only gets 10 searches a month on Google, while the similarĀ “guided meditation audio” gets 1,000 searches a month. So we write a page that features that term, including the content, title, meta description, alt tags, URL, and H1 tags. Bingo! Google knows that page is about guided meditation audio, and serves you up in its pages to the 1,000 people a month who search for what they want using that term.

You have nothing to lose, and only search traffic to gain, and it all starts with a keyword analysis.