Google Local

Have you ever wondered why some businesses get into the page one local listings and others don’t? Are you perplexed when your competitors show up with stars next to their page-one listing, while you remain obscurely on, say, page 5 of Google, even though your offerings are superior to theirs?

The answer is Google Local.

They get it, and so far you don’t. But I do, and I can give you a shot at page one. To analyze what I mean, let’s look at these search results below.

If you Google “best Thai food boulder” you get three results in what are known as Google Local results, known to SEOs as “the snack pack” since they went from seven to only three in 2015. Why isn’t Khow Thai listed? Everyone knows it’s the best in Boulder, and wins first place every year in the Best of Boulder listings. Yet they are getting beaten out by their more savvy competition because they don’t have an optimized Google Local listing. (To be fair, Aloy Thai is also fantastic!)

This is not rocket science, but it needs to be done correctly. Unless ceding market share to your competition is your idea of a good time, contact me so that I can help you fight for truth, justice and the American way of getting found on the web—Google Local.

Google Local listings